Professional and College Placement | Membership Newsletter – July 2021
After a particularly challenging final year at SAB, we wish to congratulate and celebrate the accomplishments of our students who received invitations to join prestigious companies including Ballet West II, Boston Ballet, Boston Ballet II, Carolina Ballet, Miami City Ballet, New York City Ballet, and Pacific Northwest Ballet.
Our students also gained acceptance into a long list of universities and esteemed programs, including: The United States Air Force Academy, Brown University, Columbia University, Colby College, George Washington University, New York University, Tulane University, and University of St. Andrews, Scotland.
2021 Mae L. Wien Awards
The Mae L. Wien Awards were established at the School of American Ballet by Lawrence A. Wien with his daughters and their families to honor Mrs. Wien, a great devotee of ballet who was also deeply interested in young people. Each year select students are chosen to receive awards for their outstanding promise, and a faculty member is honored for his or her distinguished service.
The 2021 Mae. L Wien Faculty Award for Distinguished Service was given to SAB’s long-time Music teacher, Jeffrey Middleton. The following students received this year’s Mae L. Wien Awards for Outstanding Promise:
Lily Maulsby
Madeline Rogers
Schuyler Wijsen