In Memoriam

On this page, all of us at the School of American Ballet would like to honor alumni, friends, patrons, and our family members who have passed in 2020, and give thanks for their contributions to the School and the field of ballet.

Arthur Y. Allen Arthur W. Collins Michael A. Cooper
Jacqueline Cronsberg Lou D’Angelo Iley Leamond Dean
Dianna DeMartino Barbara M. Fisher Thelma and Albert Gonsalves
Nina Griscom Susan Hendl Karen T. Hughes
Richard M. Kielar Hilda Kraker Russell V. Lee
Sara Leland James Lipton Douglas C. Olson
Rose Orefice Carol Paumgarten Richard Rapp
Ann Reinking Talbert Cathy Reynolds Joseph Richards
Emily G. Rothman Harvey Salzman Diana Shapiro
Daniel A. Tidwell Donald G. Tober Barbara Weisberger
James D. Wolfensohn Lana Wolkonsky Genevieve L. Young